Thursday, August 21, 2008

beauty for it's own sake

I've always been really into vegetables when gardening, and this summer I thought that was all I'd do. Because I'm pretty practically minded, and vegetable and herb plants are both beautiful and functional, so perfect. When I started this garden in the spring I was really not going to put in many flowers. I just planted the morning glories so there would be something on the fence.

but then i bought that yellow rosebush with ali and katie at walmart on a whim because it was cheap and it was beautiful and it needed a home, and i loved it, and now i have four rosebushes, and i don't know, i kept buying flowers, and i just love them so much. and the roses everywhere make me so happy.

and my morning glories just bloomed and they are so breathtaking, and they made my whole day the first morning i was getting into the car and saw them. what incredible blues and purples. wow.

and the experience all summer of having giant bouquets of flowers on the kitchen table that i picked myself...and hanging out in the yard looking at's been really great, and it's helped me maintain some degree of sanity this summer.

so maybe i shouldn't have been so smug about flowers, about growing things only for beauty. i mean, i have houseplants i love so much that they are like pets, so what was i even thinking?

in conclusion, next year i'm going to work on my flowerbeds.

and on a sad note, my squash plants had developed a fungus and i had to dig them out and throw them away today. which is hard because i hate to give up on plants. but now the garden looks much better. even though i felt like i was killing my dear friends.

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