Sunday, October 8, 2006

my room

I know I write a lot about my room lately. But I'm still kind of in love with the fact that I have one. It's was so many years that it was "our" room and it had to be decorated the way "we" wanted it. I haven't had my own room since that time in san fransciso when I lived with amber and that was always only temporary since I was still with burns long distance and I was always going to move to new orleans eventually. So the last time my room was my room was my apartment in providence, barnes street, june 1997 to june 1999, with maia and kwi-hae...and I loved that room. But that was a long time ago.
So having my room here be the way I want it, and be lovely and be a place I can read and make art work and be alone happily means to much to me, sometimes lately I just sit in my chair and look around. I have all my things on the wall the way I want them, from my penthouse centerfold (brittney skye june 06) and my ginger spice playboy cover from 1998 and my rauschenberg reproductions and my favorite wayne theibold new yorker cover and hideous pictures of meat from my 60's cookbooks and my photos and collages people have made me at art nights...and my bed is the way I want it with quilts and comforters and nice sheets and colours and loud prints everywhere and everything pink and my two desks, one for computer and writing and one for my sketchbook and collages and all my plants, my crazy geranium and my giant thai dragon pepper plant...
I can't believe how much having my own things in a aesthetic space of my own creation matters. I'm not sure that I ever want another person sharing my room full time. Overnight guests are fine, but I think my room has to be my room. I might change my mind over time, but right now I feel very strongly about waking up in a space entirely to my own taste. I feel so much joy now every morning when I wake up in my own bed facing my window and my favorite new orleans painting of mine. I'm having trouble making it anywhere on time, I like my room so much right now. Which is a very wonderful thing.
ok, sometime soon I promise I'll stop being astounded by very simple, obvious things. I really promise I will. Or not, I guess.

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