Monday, July 20, 2009

another shitty day ends with a night at the bar.

as it should.
this, the 19th of july, was a particularly sucky day. I think for everyone, at least in our town. these are the same sunflowers lisette more beautifully drew. nothing like Drinking & Drawing to take the edge off of life being crap sometimes. Because we are also aware that sometimes it is awesome. Anyway, sunflowers. & a real flower. the dirty truth, 7.19.2009.
Shane, bartender at the Dirty Truth. I like Shane & he had nothing to do with my horrible mood, but this drawing of him is suffering from it. & from the fact that I was indeed drinking wine like a pro that night. whitehaven sauvignon blanc, my favorite wine (in case anyone wants to buy me a drink, buy that. available in noho at the diry truth & the tunnel bar. hint hint hint.). delicious. but fuck, you buy me a pbr at hugo's I'll still love you forever. xoxo.
on a happier note, from tonight at the 11's: two girls watching the show. nothing on earth could possible say "massachusetts" like these girls, they should be on the state flag, the rmv website, on your tax forms. when I was living in louisiana these girls would have brought me to tears with nostalgia. I guess I drew the bands tonight too, but honestly, these girls were way more visually interesting. the 11's, 7.20.2009.
there you go. scenes from the bar, where I hide while the rest of my life collapses dramatically around me. is this blog getting too personal for you? but what's more personal than the musings of drunk people? is this an art blog or what?

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