Sunday, September 17, 2006

my tattoo rocks, I'm happy

I'm just taking a moment to appreciate my lovely new anchor tattoo, and to celebrate my own personal ritual where at pivital times in my life I go off by myself and get a tattoo on a whim. It's been a while since I did this, but I feel like this experience lived up the other two nicely.
And I went to work immeadiately afterwards, wearing a bandage and no bra,
and took the bandage off and cleaned it in the work bathroom,
And ali said I was dead sexy and a pin up girl, and heather said I was bad ass, and I think someone might have said it was hot. which is all kind of how I want to feel right now.
I'm trying to be in my full on lady pirate mode. It's who I need to be right this minute. so I got an achor tattoo over my right breast, over my heart. It pretty much is dead sexy, too.
And I feel sexy lately too, due to a complicated combination of factors.
So now I'm home from work and it was a lovely drive in the fog and I'm bleaching more blonde into my hair and cooking rainbow chard and drinking red wine and listening to music and I really feel pretty good. Good start to my birthday week.
Don't know why I'm so addicted to this blog thing, but I do feel like paying attention to details, so maybe that's it.

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